Anna-Konstantina Richter, Licensed Psychotherapist
CPD points and certificate awarded
Psychotherapy, Supervision and Special EMDR Education
in Egypt, KSA, KWT and the UAE
Welcome to the website of Anna-Konstantina Richter, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, EMDR Supervisor, CBT Supervisor. We offer Supervision and Special EMDR Education in Egypt, KSA, KWT and in the United Arab Emirates, online. We are happy to address your individual concerns and questions regarding EMDR and CBT.

About EMDR
A treatment method in eight phases
EMDR was developed in the USA by Francine Shapiro PhD. She completed her first study with trauma patients in 1988 as part of her dissertation after successfully treating patients with war trauma and sexual abuse in one EMDR session. In 1991, the pioneer of systematic desensitization, Joseph Wolpe, reported a dramatic improvement in a trauma patient after EMD treatment (as EMDR was then called). More studies and textbook publications followed, and EMDR became a treatment modality with eight phases.
EMDR is one of the most effective psychotherapy methods with an effect size of Cohen’s d= 1.43 (Bradley, Greene, Russ, Dutra & Westen, 2005). More than 40 randomized controlled studies published to date and are proof of the effectiveness of EMDR in many mental disorders and physical illnesses with a psychosomatic component. Since 2000, the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) has listed EMDR in its practical guidelines as an effective treatment method.
We offer
Psychotherapy, Accredited Supervision and EMDR Workshops (EMDR Europe)
CBT supervision and accredited EMDR supervision online in English (single supervision and group supervision).
Psychotherapy (CBT, EMDR) and Coaching online in English.
Accredited EMDR workshops in English online:
- EMDR in the Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder
- EMDR in the Treatment of different F-Diagnoses (Borderline Personality Disorder, Hypochondriasis, Skin Picking, Dysmorphophobia, Anxiety Disorders)
- EMDR for Beginners (after the basic trainings: transfer into the practice)
- Webinar: EMDR in the treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder (Special EMDR Webinar in English)
- 10.00–18.15 Uhr
Contact us for online inhouse classes.
About us

Anna-Konstantina Richter
Psychologist, Psychotherapist, EMDR Supervisor, CBT Supervisor
Anna-Konstantina Richter is of Greek and German origin. She visited the Danish School in Husum/Southern Schleswig and graduated in Frankfurt/Germany with A-level equivalent in English, Community Studies, Chemistry, German, Latinum and Graecum. Mrs. Richter majored in psychology at Philipps University Marburg, Germany and she is a licensed psychotherapist for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) based in Marburg/Germany. Mrs. Richter visited classes in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Imagery Rescripting and Reprocessing Therapy (IRRT) and Trauma Recapitulation with Imagination, Motion and Breath (TRIMB). Also, she is an EMDR Europe accredited EMDR practitioner. In London/UK, Mrs. Richter was trained as EMDR consultant. She is a member of EMDRIA Deutschland, EMDR Hellas and the European Association of Clinical Psychology and Psychological Treament (EACLIPT). She is founding partner of EMDR master class in Marburg, Germany and the author, co-author and editor of four EMDR textbooks and articles in peer-reviewed journals. She is a regular speaker at EMDR conferences in Europe.
Mrs. Richter is fluent in German and English and has basic language skills in Arabic, Greek and Danish.
Mrs. Richter is married to Khaled Mohi Ragab Mohammed of Egyptian origin and she is a mother of one.
Scientific work by Anna-Konstantina Richter
Here we would like to present the wide range of publications by Anna-Konstantina Richter. These include Books, Peer Reviewed Journal Publications and Lectures.
Richter, A.-K. (2019b). EMDR bei Sozialen Angststörungen.
Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta. ISBN: 978-3-608-96388-5 (Print)
ISBN-epub: 978-3-608-11559-8
ISBN-pdf: 978-3-608-20409-4
Kindle: ASIN B07LB84QRC
Trauma & Gewalt: Guest Editor of the EMDR journal 03/2019
Richter, A.-K., Beham, F., Horst, F., Monteiro, A.M., & Seidler, G.H. (submitted). EMDR in the Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder, Test Anxiety, and Public Speaking Anxiety: A Review.
Richter, A.-K. (2020). DIPS-OA – Das Diagnostische Interview bei psychischen Störungen Open Access in der 5. Auflage. Warum strukturierte Diagnostik unverzichtbar ist. Freiburg: Zeitschrift für EMDR (5), 107-129. Preprint at ResearchGate.
Richter, A.-K., Guo, I.J., & Park, H.P. (2020). IRRT-Interventionspraktikum und Fallseminar fürs bevorstehenden Psychotherapiestudium. Beschreibung eines Pilotprojektes. Stuttgart: Trauma & Gewalt 14 (1), 68–75. DOI 10.21706/tg-14-1-68
Richter, A.-K. (2019e). Editorial. Stuttgart, Trauma & Gewalt 13, 193. DOI 10.21706/TG-13-3-193,
Richter, A.-K. (2019d). Nachruf auf Francine Shapiro (1948 – 2019). Stuttgart: Trauma & Gewalt 13, 195. DOI 10.21706/TG-13-3-195,
Richter, A.-K., Seidler, G.H., & Wagner, F.E. (2019). EMDR in der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft: Einzug von EMDR in das nichtärztliche Psychotherapie-Direktstudium und wie mehr Forschung zu EMDR gelingen kann. Stuttgart: Trauma & Gewalt 13, 248–260. DOI 10.21706/tg-13-3-248,
Richter, A.-K. (2019c). Das Trauma des plötzlichen Verlustes oder der Erkrankung Nahestehender: EMDR in der Behandlung von Krankheitsangst – ein Fallbericht. Stuttgart: Trauma & Gewalt 13, 242–247. DOI 10.21706/tg-13-3-242,
Richter, A.-K., Beham, F., Sommerfeld, H., Göttelmann, C. & Hamacher, F.A. (2019). Wie ein EMDR-Interventionspraktikum im nichtärztlichen Psychotherapiestudium gestaltet werden kann: Die Rundlaufmethode nach Brazil. Stuttgart: Trauma & Gewalt 13, 232–241. DOI 10.21706/tg-13-3-232,
Richter, A.-K. (2019a). EMDR in der Behandlung eines gehörlosen PTBS-Patienten. Vorzüge einer nicht ausschließlich verbalen psychotherapeutischen Intervention – ein Fallbericht. (English: Case Report: EMDR in the Treatment of a Deaf PTSD Patient – Advantages of a not entirely verbal psychotherapeutic intervention). Stuttgart: Trauma & Gewalt 13, 170-182. DOI 10.21706/tg-13-2-170,
Richter, A.-K. (2018d). Vernachlässigte Folgen sozialer Traumatisierung: Soziale Angststörung – „Stiefkind“ in der psychotherapeutischen Versorgung. (English: Social Anxiety Disorder: A Blind Spot in Psychotherapeutic Care. Consequences of social traumatisation frequently overlooked). Stuttgart: Trauma & Gewalt 12, 334–344. DOI 10.21706/TG-12-4-334,
Tsaroucha, A.-K. (2003) Kaufmann/-frau im Gesundheitswesen in: Forum psychotherapeutische Praxis, 3, pp. 86-89 Göttingen: Hogrefe DOI:
Richter, A.-K. (2018b). EMDR worksheet for Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). Berlin: ResearchGate. Online publication. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32944.20480
Richter, A.-K. (2018a). EMDR Arbeitsbogen Soziale Angststörungen (SAS). Berlin: ResearchGate. Online publication. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.14069.83681
Richter, A.-K., Monteiro, A.M., Beham, F., Horst, F., Seidler, G.H. (2021). Research on the Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder with EMDR: A Review. EMDR Europe Virtual Conference, Dublin.
Richter, A.-K., Beham, F., Horst, F., Monteiro, A.M., Seidler, G.H. (2020). Zum Stand der Folgen sozialer Traumatisierung: Übersehen in der Diagnostik, zu spät behandelt, unzureichende Responderquote bei KVT und PDP. Ergebnisse des Reviews von EMDR-Studien. Jahrestagung der Deutschsprachigen Gesellschaft für Psychotraumatologie (DeGPT), Berlin.
Richter, A.-K. (2019). Behandlung eines gehörlosen Patienten mit PTBS mit dem EMDR-Standardprotokoll nach Shapiro. Jahrestagung der Deutschsprachigen Gesellschaft für Psychotraumatologie (DeGPT), Frankfurt am Main. Programm-2019
Slides of the lecture in German Folien EMDR bei gehörlosem Pat. mit PTBS
Richter, A.-K. (2017). Die Behandlung von sozialen Phobien mit dem EMDR-Standard-Protokoll und der Flashforward-Prozedur nach Logie & de Jongh. EMDRIA-Tag, Bonn. Emdria-Tag_2017_Programmflyer
Richter, A.-K. (2005). Die fehlende Regelung zur angemessenen Bezahlung von PiA. Delegiertenkonferenz des Berufsverbandes Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen e.V., Potsdam.
Partners & Links
EMDRIA Deutschland e.V. is the German EMDR Society, which includes Mrs. Richter at their list of accredited EMDR supervisors:
EMDR Hellas is the Greek EMDR Society, which includes Mrs. Richter at their list of accredited EMDR supervisors:
EMDR UK & Ireland is the society, where Mrs. Richter earned her EMDR consultant qualification:
EMDR Europe is the parent company of national EMDR-societies which accredited Mrs. Richter as EMDR practitioner and EMDR consultant:
Mrs. Richters private practice in Marburg, Germany
Mrs. Richter is founding partner of EMDR master class in Marburg, Germany
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Fill out the registration form to attend a seminar
The number of participants is limited; for planning purposes, we kindly ask you to register as soon as possible. The participation fee (EUR 220.00 up to 30 days before the start of the event, EUR 250.00 from 30 days before the start of the event) is due with the registration, please transfer to our Paypal account.
Your registration becomes effective upon confirmation by us. In case of cancellation/change of booking (only possible in writing) up to 4 weeks before the start: refund minus 50,- € handling fee. In case of a later cancellation/change of booking, a refund minus 50,- € can only be made if another place is allocated.
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